
March 2023 - Nosouno | Headhunter company in Vietnam

Credibly reintermediate backend ideas for cross-platform models. Continually reintermediate integrated processes through technically sound intellectual capital.
Time Management: Organize Your Work Space

Organize Your Work Space ONE OF THE GREAT time management tools is to work from a clean desk and in an organized work space. Just as an excellent chef cleans up the kitchen before and after cooking, you should organize your work space completely before you begin your work. One of the most successful entrepreneurs...

Time Management: Read Faster, Remember More

Read Faster, Remember More THE AVERAGE businessperson today is reading thousands of words of e-mails, reports, news stories, business informa- tion, magazine articles, and other data. To be successful today, you have to keep current with your reading require- ments. We live in a knowledge-based society, and one key piece of information can have an...

Time Management: Manage the Telephone

Manage the Telephone THE TELEPHONE CAN be an excellent servant or a terrible master—especially if you feel compelled to answer whenever it rings. To achieve maximum productivity, you must put the telephone in its place so that you do not end up a slave to anyone who dials your number. The best way to get...

Time Management: Batch Your Tasks

Batch Your Tasks When you complete a BATCHING YOUR tasks simply mean doing similar things at the same time. There’s a “learning curve” in everything you do series of similar or identical tasks all in a row, the learning curve allows you to reduce the time required to complete each task by as much as...

Time Management: Control Interruptions

Control Interruptions UNEXPECTED AND unscheduled interruptions are among the biggest time wasters in business and industry. These interruptions can be in the form of a bell going off on your computer, a telephone ringing, an SMS message coming in on your smartphone, or people just walking into your office because they need to talk. It...

Time Management: Create Blocks of Time

Create Blocks of Time YOU REQUIRE UNBROKEN blocks of time for maximum accomplishment. The more important your work is, the more important it becomes for you to establish blocks of time to work on serious projects. You need a minimum of sixty to ninety minutes to accomplish anything worthwhile. It takes about thirty minutes just...

Time Management: Overcome Procrastination

Overcome Procrastination IT HAS BEEN SAID that “procrastination is the thief of time.” A wise man in one of my seminars expanded on that by saying, “Procrastination is the thief of life.” Your ability to overcome procrastination and to get the job done on schedule can make all the difference between success and failure in...