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Time Management: Concentrate Single-Mindedly

Concentrate Single-Mindedly CONCENTRATION AND single-handling are essential requirements for all great achievement. Concentration means that once you start on your most important task, you resolve to persevere without diversion or distraction. Your ability to concentrate single-mindedly on the most important use of your time is the number-one requirement for success. You could meet every other...

Time Management: Delegate to Others

Delegate to Others ONE OF THE GREATEST time management tools is for you to get someone else to do the task completely. Your ability to delegate lower-value tasks to others who can do them at a lower hourly rate or salary is one of the vital skills of modern management. Delegate everything you possibly can...

Time Management: Stay on Track

Stay on Track “WHAT IS THE most valuable use of my time right now?” Because it is the most important question in all of time management, ask it over and over again until it becomes an automatic guide that motivates and drives you to focus on your highest-value task or activity. When you organize all...

Time Management: Set Clear Priorities

Set Clear Priorities I HAVE STUDIED time management for more than thirty years, reading hundreds of books and articles on the subject, listening to countless audio programs, and attending semi- nars. Using the ideas that I have assembled, I have written books of my own on time management that are worldwide bestsellers, produced audio and...

Time Management: Chart Your Projects

Chart Your Projects MOST WORK IN business is a series of projects. Your ability to complete projects largely determines your success in your career. A project is defined as a “multitask job.” A project is a result that requires the completion of a series of many smaller jobs. Perhaps the most powerful tool you can...

Time Management: Make Written Plans

Make Written Plans ALL SUCCESSFUL TIME managers are good planners. They make lists and sublists to accomplish each major and minor objective. Whenever a new project crosses their desk, they take the time to think through exactly what they want to accomplish, and then write out an orderly list, in sequence, of every step necessary...